Faculty & Staff
Our teachers, staff, and administrators are collaborative team members who embrace Flint Hill's mission, vision, and core values and are passionate about supporting the success of every Husky.
We are invested in meeting the needs of all students, families, and our colleagues. Learn more about us and what we love about working at Flint Hill!

University of Florida, B.S.
University of Florida, M.S.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because the School and faculty/administration are truly focused on the whole student.

Harvard University, B.A.
University of California – Los Angeles, M.A.
University of California – Los Angeles, Ph.D.
I have never been a part of a community where the faculty are so committed to supporting each other in order to foster student learning!

College of William and Mary, B.A.
University of Rochester, M.A.
Southern Methodist University, Ph.D.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because every day I am surrounded by bright and inquisitive students and supportive, fantastic colleagues. This is an environment that keeps me excited and energetic, and I try to impart that in my teaching.

Vanderbilt University, B.S.
Vanderbilt University, M.Ed.
When a student who has been struggling with a concept but seeking out help finally understands it, that’s a successful day. It’s so powerful for a student to see hard work pay off.

Georgetown University, B.S.
Georgetown University, M.A.
I am inspired daily by colleagues who are constantly seeking excellence in their professions.

University of Florida, B.A.
University of Florida, M.A.
I jumped at the chance to work at Flint Hill because of the quality and breadth of experience offered to both students and teachers. I feel empowered to challenge my students and myself every day.

University of Florida, B.A.
University of Florida, M.A.
Florida A&M University, M.Arch.
I enjoy helping students discover “how” to learn through a careful study of the ancient Mediterranean world’s culture, history, mythology, art, and, of course, the Latin language!

The people and the environment!

Wofford College, B.S.
Wake Forest University, M.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because I am so impressed with the community and the students. I am excited to be a part of it!

State University of New York – Fredonia, B.A.
Lesley University, M.Ed.
I think it’s important to help all students feel seen, heard, and understood during their time at Flint Hill. This greatly improves their belongingness and thus their ability to meaningfully engage in the community. When students feel safe to learn, they will take risks that move them beyond their growth edges and into new realms of possibility! I contribute to creating this environment at Flint Hill by ensuring that I build a relationship with each of my students. Getting to know them on a holistic level, in addition to who they are as learners, sets them up for success in school and beyond!

Bowdoin College, B.S.
I create an environment where students thrive by always treating them with kindness and respect, providing lots of hands-on experiential education, and fostering friendly dialogue in and out of the classroom.

University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, B.S.
Wright State University, M.Ed.
My approach to connecting with students is to listen with empathy and create a safe space for them to share challenges, seek support, and feel understood. I want them to know without a doubt that I care.

University of Surrey, B.S.
I like to create an environment where every student can learn. Beginning each day with Morning Meeting allows for community building, practice of routines, and a space where each child can share and express their thoughts and ideas. Once students feel calm, comfortable, and accepted, they can thrive as learners! I encourage students to take risks, be themselves, and excel with their learning.

Lincoln Technical Institute
I create an environment where students thrive by providing the best technology and support possible. Our Help Desk team is unmatched.

College of Wooster, B.A.
University of Virginia, M.Ed.
I let my students know right away that I am here to be their #1 fan. I do that by creating an approachable, engaging, empathetic, and inclusive learning environment where they can be themselves. I also push them outside their comfort zone to grow and gain important skills that they can take with them when they leave FH.

College of William and Mary, B.A.
George Mason University, M.A.
George Mason University, Ph.D.
A successful day for me is one where a student’s eyes sparkle with confidence, happiness and a love of learning.

Pratt Institute of Art and Design, B.F.A.
My goal as an arts educator is to help students develop their own artistic voices. The tools, techniques, and vocabulary used in the art room allow students to more effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings, creating an environment where each person feels seen and valued.

Grand Valley State University, B.S.
I do the very best I can to relate to every student that I teach.

Denison University, B.A.
I think it is important to find what makes each student unique and find the type of learner they are. From that point, learning becomes engaging, thoughtful, challenging, and a place for them to thrive.

University of Arizona, B.A.
I chose Flint Hill because I wanted to connect with students who are passionate about the Classics, to indulge their interests, and to help them thrive.

Appalachian State University, B.A.
I’m proud to be part of our dynamic team of faculty, staff and students. At Flint Hill, I grow as an educator and am inspired by our team.

Flint Hill School provides an exceptional education for my child and has a professional, dedicated faculty and staff I truly enjoy working with. From my first day here I could see how much care, love, and thought was being put into the classrooms at every level.

CUNY LaGuardia Community College, A.A.S./A.D.N.
A successful day at Flint hill School is knowing that each student is provided a safe, healthy, and creative learning environment that supports academic achievement and success.

Seton Hill University, B.F.A.
Ohio State University, M.F.A.
I love to focus on connection in my classes. Every student is different and comes into each class with a variety of backgrounds, skills, and experiences. Making art is an act of vulnerability, and working to get to know my students and discovering the many facets of who they are makes it possible for them to step into their vulnerability with more willingness. I work to create a space that encourages risk-taking and embracing failure so my students can reflect and grow. I do this successfully by modeling what I’m asking for from my students. In visual art, we “learn the rules before we can break them.” Each class is scaffolded with various strategies and skills for each student to develop and build, which empowers them to grow into their highest creative practice and process.

James Madison University, B.S.
James Madison University, M.A.T.
A successful day at Flint Hill is when each student feels like they have worked hard and met a challenge to the best of their ability, and when students feel safe tasking meaningful risks.

Marymount University, B.A.
Marymount University, M.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because I am surrounded by great people who share my endless curiosity and commitment to learning.

Howard University, B.F.A.
George Washington University, M.A.A.E.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because I want to contribute to the artistic and academic growth of students.

University of Virginia, B.A.
Marymount University, M.A.
I believe that serving as a listener and learner is key in developing connections with students. By taking the opportunity to inquire and learn about the qualities and perspectives that makes each of us unique, our connections deepen and move beyond the simple practice of identifying commonalities and differences.

Dickinson College, B.A.
American University, M.A.T.
American University, M.A.
I have the opportunity to teach amazing classes, such as the ones in the sophomore history curriculum that use international current events as a focal point for learning about contemporary world history — it’s my dream class to teach. With the support and encouragement I get as a teacher from my colleagues and the administration, I feel like I have the ability to grow as a professional.

Macalester College, B.A.
I love working at Flint Hill School because of our unique approaches to teaching history and the inquisitive students in my classes. Every day contains a new and interesting topic for students to unpack, and it brings me great joy to watch these students solve problems and grow in the Flint Hill community.

Loyola University – New Orleans, B.A.
I get to tell all the wonderful stories of our students, teachers, and staff. It’s the perfect job.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, B.A.
Boston University, Ph.D.
I create an environment where students thrive by establishing productive goals, challenging their skills, fostering collaboration, and acknowledging individual progress.

Potsdam College, B.A.
My team in the Facilities department and the campus environment are terrific. It is a joy to come to work.

Syracuse University, B.F.A.
Washington State University, M.F.A.
The Ceramics Studio at Flint Hill School strives to meet the needs of its makers. I am one of several instructors who over the years have added material, resources, inspiration, and a warm welcome in the spirit of creating an environment where students thrive. We build Clay-munity where learning occurs through our shared experiences, creation, voice, and experimentations.

Columbia University, Teachers College, M.A.
Howard University, M.Ed.
American School of Professional Psychology, Doctorate
I consider a successful day at Flint Hill when I have been able to provide support and encouragement to both students and staff, have provided helpful information in managing challenges, and made someone smile!

James Madison University, B.A.
University of Virginia, M.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because the organization of resources and the ethos of the faculty/staff nurture the development of students as people and as scholars.

University of Virginia, B.A.
University of Virginia, J.D.
My approach to connecting with students is to view every interaction as an opportunity to build a relationship, even if it’s just one step at a time.

University of Virginia, B.A.
University of Virginia, M.T.
Lots of schools say they believe in lifelong learning, but Flint Hill actually means it. When I, as an English teacher, said I was interested in teaching physics, Flint Hill helped me prepare for the Praxis exam, sent me to workshops, and gave me time to shadow the current physics teachers.

Indiana University, B.S.
To create an environment where students thrive, I strive for consistency of expectations and routine. When students understand the goals and intentions of the class, it creates more time for learning and more opportunity for engagement. Once routine is established, students feel more confident and supported in taking risks within all types of lessons and discussions. Not only do students have more time for learning in this scenario, but I also have more time to meet student needs.

Lafayette College, A.B.
Columbia University, M.A.
Using my experience and insight to help someone — a student, parent, or colleague — understand something that’s unfamiliar or confusing to them and helping them feel in control or more confident is what a successful day feels like at Flint Hill.

College of William and Mary, B.S.
University of New Hampshire, M.S.
The atmosphere in my chemistry classroom is one where we recognize the importance of practice. We value a careful and safe approach to problems and experiments but also one where it is ok to make mistakes because that’s how we learn and improve.

Old Dominion University, B.S.
Creating an environment within the classroom where students thrive is crucial to their academic success and overall well-being, and that is why I prioritize building positive relationships, setting high expectations, and fostering a growth mindset. I have found that when students feel that their teachers are invested in their success, they are more likely to take academic risks and push themselves to reach their full potential.

University of Virginia, B.A.
George Mason University, M.Ed.
The people make this a magical place to work — from faculty and staff to students and parents, the community is strong and makes it easy to come to work every day.

Connecticut College, B.A.
My secret sauce is getting to know the kids, remembering they are kids first and students second. When we respect, understand, and laugh together, we grow together.

George Mason, B.A.
I chose and continue to choose Flint Hill for its diverse and warm community. From the outside looking in, I was always impressed with how well teachers know their students and how kids truly enjoy learning and coming to the school. I always looked for a community that comes together to build something great, and I honestly believe I have found it at Flint Hill.

University of Texas, B.A.
Flint Hill provides an excellent environment for everyone at the school.

Virginia Commonwealth University, B.F.A.
I enjoy pulling the sled with such collaborative and kind colleagues. “Things won are done, joy’s soul lies in the doing.” — William Shakespeare

University of Rochester, B.A.
I chose to work at Flint Hill because of the mission and core values of the school.

James Madison University, B.S.
James Madison University, M.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because the FH community invites you to be involved everything — Academics, Athletics, and the Arts!

James Madison University, B.A.
James Madison University, M.A.T.
A successful day at Flint Hill is when my students made connections, their curiosity was sparked, and they were smiling.

James Madison University, B.S.
George Mason University, M.Ed.
I work at Flint Hill because I value the way we support the development of the whole child.

Emmanuel College, B.S.
I chose to work at Flint Hill because of the cherished memories I made through camps and sporting events. These experiences nurtured my love for the school and helped shape my character. Flint Hill’s emphasis on teamwork, resilience, and leadership enriched my upbringing and established a strong foundation for my future.

University of Mary Washington, B.S.
George Mason University, M.S.W.
George Mason University, M.S.
Connecting with students is a hugely important part of my role as an Upper School Counselor. I do my best to be as down to earth and accessible as possible with students, and I enjoy chatting about sports, books, TV, and movies.

Bryn Mawr College, B.A.
Princeton University, Ph.D.
I strive to create inclusive environments to celebrate our individual and collective strengths. I aim to connect what we do in the classroom with practical applications so that students can take their learning outside of and beyond their time at Flint Hill.

Haverford College, B.A.
University of Virginia, M.Ed.
To help my students thrive, I listen closely to them, learn who they are, and then make opportunities for them to practice their independent thinking and expression. On a practical level, students are offered diverse choices for reading material and — as often as possible — are assigned to write for an authentic audience.

University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, B.A.
University of North Carolina – Greensboro, M.S.
I try to connect with students by being open and approachable and by listening first. I try to convey that I am interested in learning who they are and what is important to them. I really value quick drop-ins as students test the waters and build trust.

Haverford College, B.A.
King’s College, M.A.
People take a genuine interest in who we are as individuals and as professionals. This is a school that truly cares about everyone within it, whether students, teachers or staff members.

University of Virginia’s College at Wise, B.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill simply because of the welcoming community all around. Here, it feels like a family outside of my personal family, and I’m extremely grateful I received the opportunity to work in this type of environment.

Hamilton College, B.A.
Vanderbilt University, Peabody College, M.Ed.
Each day I strive to create an environment for students to feel seen, heard, supported, challenged, inspired, empowered, safe, and connected. As we learn to value each other, we deepen our understanding of one another and are able to engage in more creative and complex thinking.

George Mason University, B.A.
I have the pleasure of working in the Admission Office at Flint Hill which allows me to get to know our families both during enrollment and when they become part of our community. This opportunity, in addition to my coach duties and participation with our student leadership groups, provides the chance to connect with our students meaningfully.

St. John’s University, B.A.
Manhattan College, M.S.
My approach to connecting with students is just being myself. I love to laugh in general, but being able to laugh at myself has been incredibly powerful in my work with students. I have found that students connect with authenticity.

State University of New York – Geneseo, B.A.
Ohio State University, M.A.
In my classroom, I strive to create situations where students can express themselves both creatively and accurately while perfecting their skills. I encourage them to use their imaginations and to strive for comprehensibility — not perfection. But most importantly, I smile and I laugh.

University of San Carlos – Cebu City, B.S.
Flint Hill is a very caring community. I love how, as a school, we provide an environment for students and faculty to take meaningful risks. We are Huskies, and we pull the sled together!

University of Toronto, B.S.
University of Toronto, B.Ed.
Michigan State University, M.A.
I enjoy challenging my students to “think like a coder” by looking at problems from different angles until solutions are found. They are encouraged to welcome productive struggle and to celebrate the “Aha!” moments when they understand challenging concepts or solve complex problems.

Indiana University, R.N.
My approach to connecting with students is to talk with them and ask questions about how they are doing and what is going on in their lives. I like to smile and laugh with them, and I try to be there to lend a shoulder to cry on when they are having a difficult time. I try to make them feel welcome and cared about.

University of Miami, B.A.
University of Miami, M.S.
A successful day at Flint Hill contains a lot of laughter, a lot of questions and a lot of learning. It’s when a student stops by during office hours either for help or to just say hello. It’s when a student ends the lesson exclaiming, “that was so cool!”

George Mason University, B.A.
I chose to work at FH because of their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. It was clear to me that members across the FH community strive to make this a welcoming and inclusive environment while constantly pushing to learn more about equitable policies and practices.

Virginia Tech, B.A.
Virginia Tech, M.A.
My goal is to create an environment that fosters mathematical inquiry and investigation, which is key to helping students thrive in math. Our approach encourages curiosity and exploration by providing open-ended problems, hands-on activities, and opportunities for student-led investigations. By valuing the process of learning and celebrating students’ diverse approaches, we can create a classroom culture that supports growth and empowers students in becoming confident math learners.

George Mason University, B.A.
I chose to work at Flint Hill because it is a collaborative environment that is welcoming and diverse.

University of South Florida, B.A.
University of Texas at Arlington, M.A.
I like to create an environment where students thrive by encouraging curiosity, discovery, and learning from mistakes. My focus is on understanding rather than memorization, guiding students to explore science deeply and confidently. I aim to cultivate a supportive space where students feel empowered to experiment and grow as lifelong learners.

University of Puerto Rico, B.A.
Middlebury College, M.A.
Middlebury College, D.M.L.
I am privileged to work in an environment where language is vibrant and dynamic. It’s exciting to come to work each day to help my students appreciate the beauty and complexity of different cultures while making learning fun, challenging, and meaningful.

George Mason University, B.S.
Shenandoah University, M.Ed.
My journey with Flint Hill began when I was a substitute teacher while earning my teaching licensure. After working at a variety of private and public schools, Flint Hill was always on my mind, due to its focus on students’ overall development. The whole child approach is so incredibly important!

Sam Houston State University, B.Ed.
University of Houston, M.S.
A successful day at Flint Hill is when you receive a smile from your students, (present and past)! 🙂

Howard University, B.A.
Howard University School of Law, J.D.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because I am able to be a part of a professional community that values respect for individuality; encourages creativity and innovation; and asks students, faculty, and staff to be their best selves. In my role as Chief Human Resources Officer, I challenge our employees to be better today than they were yesterday and to be passionate about their work. I work at Flint Hill because, as employees, our voices are seen and heard in so many ways.

Gettysburg College, B.A.
University of Virginia, M.Ed.
There is an energy at Flint Hill that is unlike other schools. That energy comes from the relentless pursuit of what is best for students. It is the passion for education, strong relationships, and innovative thinking that drives all of us and makes Flint Hill unique.

Northern Michigan University, B.S.
George Mason University, M.S.
I consider a successful day at Flint Hill to be when athletes practice or compete without any injuries or complications.

University of Kansas, B.F.A.
University of Missouri – Kansas City, B.A.
University of Missouri – Kansas City, M.A.
A successful day is a day is a day when I get to talk with students about ideas. Oh, how I love ideas!

College of William and Mary, B.A.
Florida International University, M.A.
I create an environment where students thrive by encouraging students to express their own viewpoints on history through their individual examination of current events, historical data, and primary source documents.

Duke University, B.A.
Marymount University, M.A.
I enjoy the community, believe in the values/mission of the school, and appreciate being able to share and connect new students and their families with those aspects of the institution in the work I do each day.

St. Norbert College, B.A.
University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh, M.A.
I create an environment where students thrive by learning about their interests and making connections between what they love to explore and what I love to teach. Writing conferences help students to build confidence and skill as writers while deep discussion and on-our-feet fun with language make our literature come alive.

George Mason University, B.S.
I love working with the people who work here and go to school here.

University of Virginia, B.A.
University of Virginia, M.A.T.
A successful day at Flint Hill is when students, faculty, and staff feel safe in their environment. This allows them to take academic risks, work to form positive collaborative bonds, and meet their goals each day. Each person can grow into the person they are becoming at a school that supports them every step of the way.

Georgetown University, B.A.
University of Virginia, M.Ed.
I thrive on building strong relationships, and I appreciate the opportunity to connect with both colleagues and students. In my daily work, I believe I am able to have a tangible impact on the future by helping to support and guide our incredible students.

University of Michigan, B.A.
A successful day at Flint Hill is one where students have been challenged academically, supported socially and emotionally, and walk away feeling safe and energized for their next venture as a Husky!

Texas A&M University, B.A.
I love working at Flint Hill in a supportive role for the teachers and staff. Life happens to all of us and to know that a qualified and familiar face will represent you while you are away is my contribution to the Flint Hill Community!

Northwest Missouri State University, B.S.
University of Kansas, M.S.
I consider a successful day when a student realizes that they love learning!

Wellesley College, B.A.
I know I have had a successful day when someone shares what inspired them to give back and make a difference through their support of our school.

Ithaca College, B.S.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because of the opportunity to form deep connections with all community members while closely supporting students on their journey to self-discovery and the path to leading impactful lives.

University of Maryland, B.S.
A successful day in any of my classes is a day of students experiencing “Ah Ha!” moments. Their newfound understanding or insight reflects the profound impact of education — fostering growth, confidence, and intellectual discovery — and serves as needed fuel for the next challenging task.

University of Colorado, B.A.
Johns Hopkins University, M.A.
It is crucial to foster awareness that we are all in a continuous process of learning. Having the space and acceptance to be right, wrong or to realize that there may be no one “right” answer helps build an environment where pushing beyond one’s current knowledge is not to be feared, but embraced.

University of Miami, B.S.
Pennsylvania State University, M.S.
Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D.
By creating a friendly and motivating environment where students are encouraged to discover the material and follow their interests, they are able to thrive.

United States Naval Academy, B.S.
Naval Postgraduate School, M.S.
Catholic University of America, M.S.E.
I choose to work as a substitute teacher at Flint Hill because I spent 28 wonderful years teaching here. Of course, I am comfortable with expectations, procedures, and the schedule, but I have always found the students to be polite, receptive, and curious.

Connecticut College, B.A.
University of Virginia, M.Ed.
I chose Flint Hill many years ago and continue to choose it today because of its commitment to strive for better. We are a dynamic, growth-focused place that is willing to do the hard, vulnerable work of reflecting on our practices and making thoughtful change.

James Madison University, B.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because I enjoy giving back to a place that provided so much to me as a student.

Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, B.A.
I connect with students as a substitute teacher by listening to them and answering any questions they may have. I tell them about myself and my background if they ask, and I always try to make sure they understand what is required of them in the particular class. I always try and remember their names in case I return to the class later.

Sweet Briar College, B.A.
Old Dominion University, M.S.
Every student is amazing at something. I strive to help them develop the tools and find the niche where they shine. An inquisitive nature, quiet thoughtfulness, joyful exuberance, or artistic talent add wonderful dimensions to the classroom. I encourage each student’s strength to add value to our explorative learning environment.

Spelman College, B.A.
Georgia State University, M.Ed.
Building a positive and engaging relationship with students is essential to the admission process and working with our current students. My goal is to be open and approachable; an active listener; understand and empathize with the challenges and struggles students might face; encourage active participation in class discussions, group activities, and projects; and treat students with respect and expect the same in return.

Point Park University, B.A.
It all comes down to human interaction. When I support students, families and colleagues; when I listen to or engage in thought-provoking conversations; when I exchange a smile with someone in the hall, those moments — big and small — are successes that help me make a difference here.

Associate Director of Counseling, MS Counselor, and Wellness Program Coordinator

Mount St. Mary’s University, B.S.
Notre Dame of Maryland University, M.A.
A great day at Flint Hill consists of students advocating, trying something new, and reflecting on their learning. It’s a day in which I am challenged to find a way to explain a concept so that it clicks with a student, and it’s when my classroom fosters creativity and growth.

Seton Hall University, B.S.
Hofstra University, M.B.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because it is a friendly and lively place to be!

West Virginia University, R.B.A.
My approach is being real with the students and being clear with expectations to help them achieve their goals.

University of Louisville, B.S.
Ohio University, M.S.
A successful day at Flint Hill is one full with smiles.

Lycoming College, B.A.
American University, M.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because we are committed to supporting a diverse population of learners. We foster our students’ individual strengths and empower them with strategies to support their areas of challenge while teaching them how to understand themselves as learners and advocate for their own needs.

Miami University, B.F.A.
University of Pennsylvania, M.S.
Education makes its greatest strides when a teacher, coach, or director attempts to value each student as an individual with unique talents and gifts to share with the world. My goal is to know students holistically and to help them become passionate about learning for their own good and the greater good.

Rostov State Pedagogical University, B.A.
Rostov State Pedagogical University, M.S.
I focus on students’ deep understanding of the concepts, teach them important study skills and work on developing good learning habits. I give them opportunities to learn from mistakes and grow from challenges, and I encourage students to self-advocate, collaborate with each other and be proactive learners.

Claremont McKenna College, B.A.
Arizona State University, M.Ed.
I believe students thrive in an environment when they are known, valued, and feel a sense of belonging. To do so, I seek to hire the best teachers, coaches, and support staff who actualize our core values in our classrooms and community.

George Mason University, B.A.
George Mason University, M.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because we’re a technology leader, with faculty, students and staff incorporating technology in innovative ways on a daily basis. I also appreciate the work-life balance we strive to establish for faculty, staff and students.

East Stroudsburg University, B.S.
Marywood University, M.S.
As a counselor, I have the opportunity to work with all Upper School students, and connecting with the students is something I aspire to do each and every day. I work to be accessible and create an atmosphere where students feel heard, accepted and valued.

Franklin & Marshall College, B.A.
Middlebury College, M.A.
A successful day at Flint Hill is connecting with curious students by speaking Spanish and exploring different cultures, grammar topics, and vocabulary. It also means checking in with students, advisees, and colleagues during shared community times to build strong relationships.

Mico University, B.S.
University of the West Indies, B.S.
Walden University, M.S.
I create an environment where students are able to build trust and there is clear communication. Students’ curiosity and engagement are always supported by allowing them to bring their authentic selves to the classroom. The science classroom is a safe space where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities.

Stanford University, B.A.
Teachers College, Columbia University, M.A.
In my music room, students understand through experience how to create an environment where everyone thrives. Our success as an ensemble, whether measured by accurate notes or palpable joy, depends on each and every member’s sense of belonging and self-expression.

University of Nairobi, B.S.
The community and family atmosphere at Flint Hill gives me a unique sense of belonging and appreciation.

Greensboro College, B.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because I believe that working for this well-respected and established organization has given me access to opportunities and experiences that have had a great impact on my career and life. It’s truly an amazing place!

University of Florida, B.A.
University of Georgia, M.Ed.
University of North Florida, M.A.
Any day a student makes me say, “I hadn’t thought of it that way,” is a successful day at Flint Hill.

George Mason University, B.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because of the great and supportive staff.

Pennsylvania State University, B.A.
I cherish the opportunities I have to see our incredible teachers in action, to share what they do with donors, and to express our gratitude for the impact they make schoolwide.

University of Rochester, B.A.
University of Massachusetts – Amherst, M.A.
A successful day at Flint Hill includes a “Good morning!” welcome during carpool, a “Thank you, Mrs. Patrick!” during one of my classes and recess duties, and a “See you tomorrow!” wave at the end of the day. 👋 😊 ❤️

I chose to work at Flint Hill because I think the environment and people here are wonderful, and it is truly a great place to be.

Quinnipiac University, B.S.
Quinnipiac University, M.A.
A successful day at Flint Hill involves taking meaningful risks, having fun through play, engaging in hands-on learning, and collaborating with others to create a dynamic and supportive environment.

Murray State University, B.A.
University of Alabama, M.A.
This is my 25th year at Flint Hill. I choose to work here because this is a place that values the relationship between students and faculty as a major priority. Students do not fall through the cracks at FH for this reason. When we really know our students, it allows us to craft lessons appropriate for each student’s learning style, and it allows us to notice when something is not right with the student.

Middlebury College, B.A.
I chose to work at Flint Hill because we always focus on what is best for each individual student. This takes time and energy but is so rewarding.

Clark University, B.A.
Middlebury College, M.A.
I want my students to leave class with something they can put into practice. Whether it’s a new expression, a culturally interesting fact to share at dinner, or the motivation to improve their skills as much as possible, I encourage all students to try and advance their Spanish every day.

George Mason University, B.A.
George Mason University, M.S.Ed.
A successful day at Flint Hill sees giggles and shared discoveries. It’s when each child’s eyes light up with newfound understanding and friendships bloom. Witnessing collaborative problem-solving and aha moments fill us with pride, reinforcing our commitment to holistic, joyful education.

James Madison University, B.M.
My classroom is a place where all are welcome and individuality is celebrated. In this fun and friendly atmosphere, everyone’s contribution matters and each student is encouraged to find (and use) their own unique voice!

Virginia Military Institute, B.A.
Marquette University, M.A.
I chose to work at Flint Hill because it offers a uniquely blended learning environment. Students are able to pursue their personal goals in a supportive space while learning different skills with a rigorous academic curriculum.

Carnegie Mellon University, B.S.
Capella University, M.S.
A successful day at Flint Hill involves students, teachers, staff, and administrators all self-actualizing toward their most fully-functioning selves.

Towson University, B.S.
In over 30 years as an educator, I have always been committed to the student-centered approach. I identified early that my purpose in life is to CULTIVATE while serving as a CATALYST and contributing to a positive CULTURE, and I have the innate ability to lead while presenting myself as a viable resource for others.

Denison University, B.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because I believe in the mission of the school, but what makes it special are the connections made throughout constituencies of our community and the the community that it creates.

University of South Alabama, B.A.
Flint Hill has an amazing faculty and staff who care deeply for the students and the school.

Slippery Rock University, B.S.
George Mason University, M.Ed.
Creating an environment that empowers and supports student growth is an important part of my focus here at Flint Hill. At the core of my work is helping students utilize their amazing strengths and work toward overcoming adversity, all while building the skills necessary to be successful in the future.

Judson University, B.S.
Kaplan University, M.S.
Flint Hill is an amazing community with a focus on challenging our students to grow individually and collectively. We celebrate and learn from differences and push each other to be our best selves. We are a relationship-oriented community with a focus on knowing each other well. I am inspired by the people in our community.

University of Maryland Eastern Shore, B.S.
United States Sports Academy, M.S.S.
It’s a great place to be and a great place to share with my own children.

University of Virginia, B.A.
College of William and Mary, M.Ed.
Helping people learn how to learn is what drives me. Unlocking for someone how to learn new things sows the seeds of innovation and invention. Couple that with teaching “the why” of doing things, and you have the potential to make the world a better place.

EAFIT University
George Washington University, M.A.
I chose to work at Flint Hill because it is where the magic happens!

University of Virginia, B.A.
Relay Graduate School of Education, M.A.T.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because this is a place where students are primary stakeholders in their own education.

University of California – Los Angeles, A.B.D.
Ohio State University, B.A.
University of Washington, M.A.
Students thrive in my class because I know my students so well that I can plan activities that allow everyone to collaborate and to shine.

George Mason University, B.A,
George Mason University, M.Ed.
Students need to be seen and heard. It’s important to build strong relationships with students and families.

Denison University, B.A.
I am passionate about data, and data underlies so much of what we do at Flint Hill. So, a successful day for me is when I deliver very detailed, precise and thoughtful work in support of my team and the greater Flint Hill community.

Bryn Mawr College, B.A.
Indiana University, M.A.
Indiana University, Ph.D.
Joan Didion said, “we tell ourselves stories to live.” My approach to connecting with students is always going to be with words — either by helping students find the books that will shape how they live their lives or by illuminating the words with which to tell their own stories.

Hamilton College, B.A.
New York University, M.S.
Pace University, M.S.
To connect with students, I ask them for their input and treat them as much like adults as possible.

University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, B.A.
My team’s job is to provide a window into the Flint Hill experience. Through photography, videography, and storytelling, we crystalize and chronicle the important moments in our students’ school journey. Connecting with them is important for us! We build relationships with them and hope they trust us to tell their story authentically and to always catch their good side 📷.

CXC Certification
I choose to work at Flint Hill because of the supportive community that fosters my professional growth and collaboration. The collective commitment to nurturing individual passion and creativity, both among students and faculty, aligns with my values.

Towson University, B.A.
A successful day at Flint Hill means I’ve helped show how amazing our school is to our community and beyond.

Willamette University, B.A.
Georgetown University, M.A.
Being authentic and honest is critical to forming a strong, safe learning environment. When I’m authentic about my passions, enjoyment of literature, and model how to ask for help, students feel freer to pursue their own passions, dive deeper into literature, and know it’s safe to say “I don’t know.”

Northeastern University, B.S.
Northeastern University, M.Ed.
Any day where anyone, student or faculty/staff person, learns something new is a successful and fantastic day! Also, when’s there’s banana pudding on the lunch menu. 🙂

University of Virginia, B.S.
University of Virginia, M.S.
University of Virginia, Ph.D.
I love to create an environment where students thrive by inviting my students to join me everyday in three simple acts: (1) bringing joy to our classroom, (2) respecting each other, and (3) caring for each other.

Old Dominion University, B.S.
Marymount University, M.S.
Throughout the interview process, you could feel the sense of excitement from the current staff and their passion for Flint Hill. During my first week, many people came up to me saying, “You’re going to love working here.”

Vanderbilt University, B.E.
Naval Postgraduate School, M.E.
Working at Flint Hill allows me to be innovative while designing courses that are relevant to my students and their future. Teaching Middle School science is a combination of excitement, discovery, wonder, and skills. At the Upper School, my Discovery of Engineering course covers 20 kinds of engineering in one semester.

Montana State University, B.S.
Montana State University, B.A.
University of Idaho, M.Ed.
I create an environment where students are empowered to compete at the national and international level in robotics and cybersecurity. Alumni often say that those courses gave them the skills and experiences to thrive in the “real world.”

Millersville University of Pennsylvania, B.S.
George Washington University, M.A.
Creating an environment where students thrive involves a combination of factors that promote learning, growth, and overall well-being.

James Madison University, B.A.
Boston College, M.A.
The focus is entirely on the students at Flint Hill. Our faculty and staff are made up of incredible educators who work tirelessly to ensure that their students are supported and encouraged to take meaningful risks. It is a beautiful community to be part of!

University of Maryland, B.A.
Loyola College of Maryland, M.A.
Fairleigh Dickinson University, M.A.
A successful day at Flint Hill is one in which I have engaged with children in a meaningful way, I have helped them discover something, or I have created a space for joyful learning.

Denison University, B.A.
I create an environment where students thrive by instilling confidence and making learning fun.

University of California – Berkeley, B.A.
Harvard University, Ed.M.
A successful day at Flint Hill is one where mistakes were made, but we learned from them, meaningful conversations happened, and lots of laughter was heard.

St. Michael’s College, B.A.
St. Michael’s College, M.A.
I love seeing what alumni do after they graduate and connecting them back to their alma mater.

James Madison University, B.S.
George Mason University, M.Ed.
Connecting with students is the high point of my day. I listen carefully when they share and ask questions. I care about their interests, challenges and loves. Conversing honestly with my students helps achieve my goal of building trust as they learn and grow together within our class community.

Muhlenberg College, B.S., B.A.
American University, M.A.T.
Duke University, Ph.D.
A poster in my classroom has this quote: “Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.” I strive to create an environment where students feel comfortable with making mistakes. That can be challenging and sometimes frustrating, but learning from mistakes is how you grow as a student.

College of William and Mary, B.S.
University of Maryland University College, M.Ed.
I want students to walk into my classroom feeling valued and appreciated in the classroom.

University of Mary Washington, B.A.
George Mason University, M.Ed.
A successful day at Flint Hill is any time that I am able to help support the progress of our mission, vision and values.

Wittenberg University, B.S.
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, M.A.
Students thrive in a an environment where they collaborate and help each other learn, find something they enjoy, and have fun along the way. It’s okay to try and to make mistakes; learn from them!

University of Michigan, B.S.
University of Chicago, M.S.
Our classroom is a safe place where students are encouraged to question, express opinions, work hard, reflect, and find success to the best of their ability. All this is done with a spirit of engagement and having fun while learning!

Wells College, B.A.
I work at Flint Hill because it’s a community of educators, parents, students and alumni singularly focused on what’s best for students. Because we use our talents to nurture each other’s passions, collectively, the Flint Hill community blazes a trail that positively impacts the world around us.

University of Mary Washington, B.A.
George Mason University, M.A.
I choose to work at Flint Hill not only because of its innovative, student centered approach to education but because of the amazing staff of people I get to work with every day.

Loyola University – New Orleans, B.A.
Springfield College, M.S.
I’m inspired by the students, teachers, and staff to capture moments of campus life through photography and writing that our school community can enjoy in the present and look back on fondly for years to come.

My main approach to connecting with students is engaging with them when working in the hallways.

Liberty University, B.S.
Liberty University, M.S.
My approach to connect with students is giving them tools to help them succeed in the classroom, on the field, and in life. At Flint Hill, being a mentor and coach is just one of many forms to connect with students.

University of Maryland – College Park, B.A.
Marymount University, M.A.
For me, a successful day at Flint Hill is when a family has found their best-fit school. I am grateful to see students thrive and grow daily in the classrooms because we discovered we are their best fit together.

US Learning Specialist and 9th Grade Seminar Teacher

George Washington University, B.S.
George Washington University, M.B.A.
How do I connect with students? Well, there’s one thing many of us seem to agree on: “Being human’s hard, on the boulevard.” — Andre 3000. Even when the differences seem great, I’ve learned this is a very valuable place to start.

Towson University, B.S.
I choose Flint Hill because of the family environment created by both the students and the staff.

College of the Holy Spirit, B.S.
The school has a good work environment, a competitive salary and benefits package.

California State University – Long Beach, B.A.
My students know they are loved, seen, and heard. My recipe to reach and teach every student is to be real, be relatable, and be their personal cheerleader. Wearing fun Converse or footwear pays off big too.

James Madison University, B.S.
I choose to work at Flint Hill because of the supportive environment that encourages me to grow.