Middle School Newsletter – March 5, 2025

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    March 5, 2025

    Letter From the Division Director 

    We are working toward a strong finish to what is always the most challenging (and coldest) stretch of the school year. Snow interruptions, holidays, and fatigue can make it hard for middle schoolers to maintain consistency and avoid regression, but they have done a great job overall. Recent milder temperatures and the excitement of a new sports season have injected some energy into our building as we gear up for Spring Break.

    As a reminder, we have parent conferences next Friday, March 14. We will post grade reports on Husky Hub the previous afternoon. You can sign up for a virtual or in-person conference with each of your child’s teachers using the links I sent via email last Friday. Please keep in mind that because we have only one day (unlike the two conference days in November), the slots are limited. If you go to schedule an appointment and that particular teacher shows no availability, you can reach out to them directly to schedule a virtual conference for after Spring Break.

    Brian Lamont
    Director of the Middle School


    Informational Session: Student Travel Opportunity to Costa Rica and Peru, Summer 2026 — Thursday, March 6

    Your student can travel to Costa Rica and Peru with Ms. Cady in the Summer of 2026 to attend the EF Student Leadership Conference. The theme is "The Power of Environmental Stewardship." This opportunity is open to Flint Hill students who are currently in 7th-10th grades. There will be an in-person informational meeting on Thursday, March 6, 6:00-7:00 p.m., in the Upper School Learning Commons. Register to attend or request information.

    Middle School Family Meetup: Liberty Mountain — Saturday, March 8

    The winter season is almost over, and the mountain is calling, from just over an hour away! Join Middle School parents and students for a ski/snowboard meetup on Saturday, March 8, at Liberty Mountain. Tubing is also available for those who do not ski or snowboard. We will start congregating at 8:00 a.m., so join when you can and meet on the upstairs level of the slope-side building, down the hall from the cafeteria. Look for Husky-themed snack baskets and green and blue table decorations. Please note this is only a meetup and no supervision of kids on or off the slopes will be provided. Parents can purchase lift tickets and/or rentals in advance or when they arrive. Contact fellow Middle School parents below for more details. 

    Molisa Meholic P’29: 310.251.1326
    Manisha Shah  P’29: 703.727.7951
    Cameronne Taillon P’29, ’31: 703.980.7897
    Jigna Narola P’29: 703.463.7601

    Grade 8 Virtual Parent Coffee: Alcohol and Drug Awareness — Tuesday, April 1

    Drug and Alcohol Educator Brenda Conlan returns to Flint Hill the week after Spring Break to teach 8th Grade Alcohol and Drug Awareness during history classes. The lessons will be delivered in a developmentally appropriate manner. We invite parents to join Brenda for a virtual presentation about the adolescent brain, vaping, and the importance of delaying drug and alcohol usage. To access the virtual presentation on Tuesday, April 1, 1:15-2:00 p.m., use this Google Meet link: meet.google.com/rgf-phve-sec

    8th Grade Community Service Reminder — April 1 Deadline

    As part of their Independent Community Service Project, 8th graders need to have their 10 service hours completed by Tuesday, April 1. Like most aspects of our program, the goals of this requirement are varied. There is certainly an aspect of fostering compassion and the responsibility to help others. And there is an important piece of independence and showing that they are ready to handle their responsibilities — at a time we have safety nets in place. We have been doing a lot of reminding at school and conveying to them that this is their responsibility. And we are prepared to support those who fall short of the deadline. If your child has already completed their hours and submitted the forms, that’s great. For the many who have not, that’s perfectly fine, too. While you will have to play a role in logistics and transportation to service opportunities, please continue to steer ownership of the process back to your child and direct them back to our Middle School Community Service tile or Middle School Service Coordinator Ann Bazzarone.

    Parent Meetup: Mini Golf at Oakmont — Wednesday, April 2

    Tee up for some fun with fellow Flint Hill parents on Wednesday, April 2, 6:30-8:30 p.m.! Join Karen and John Landwehr P'22, '27 and Susan and Jim Murphy P'22, ’24, '26, '31 for a casual evening of mini golf at Oakmont Rec Center. Parents will be randomly paired up to get to know someone new while competing in a friendly mini-golf tournament. Plus, this is the perfect warmup for the Flint Hill Golf Invitational and Skills Social on Thursday, May 22!

    This is an adult-only event and registration is free, though we ask you to register in advance. Register to attend and contact Olivia Landrum with any questions.

    Course Selection for Rising 7th and 8th Graders

    On Monday, April 7, we will begin the process of course selection for those who will be middle schoolers next year — providing information about our Program Guide, options for students, guidance about selecting the appropriate courses and load, and Q&A sessions for students and parents.

    Course Selection for Rising 9th Graders — Opens Wednesday, April 9

    The timeline for current 8th graders will follow the Upper School process. The online course selection module will officially open on Wednesday, April 9. Here are the slides about Rising Grade 9 Course Selection from Assistant Director of the Upper School and Academic Dean Debbie Ayers’ presentation at the recent Rising Grade 9 Division Coffee: Upper School Academic Planning. She and Director of College Counseling Suzy Chiarolanzio also presented this information to students on Monday afternoon. We will support students during the course selection process using this pared-down version of Debbie's presentation to highlight typical 9th grade schedules and requirements.

    Celebrate Fred Atwood’s Retirement

    “You have done a great service by sharing your knowledge and passion for our natural world with generations to come. They will carry the torch and make this planet a better place because of you. There is no greater gift.” — Current Flint Hill family

    This quote captures how many people feel about the impact Fred Atwood has had on their Flint Hill experience. We are celebrating Fred and the 35-year legacy he will leave after he retires in June. Honoring him in just one way wouldn’t be enough, here are some of the many ways you and the community are celebrating his dedication to Flint Hill:

    • Contribute to the establishment of the Fred Atwood Endowed Fund for Science. Make a gift or pledge payable by December 31, 2026
    • Make a special Flint Hill Fund gift in his honor by June 30, 2025.
    • Contribute to Fred’s digital scrapbook.
    • Fred’s classroom was renamed in his honor. See the special plaque at room 207 the next time you are in the Upper School.
    • Alumni are invited to a Reunion reception on Saturday, April 26.

    Learn more about celebrating Fred at: flinthill.org/fredatwood.

    Parents: Do You Know a Retired Astronaut or Space Engineer?

    From time to time, teachers bring in a presenter to enhance the classroom curriculum. Given the extensive levels of expertise within the parent and alumni community, we’d like to make these opportunities more broadly accessible.

    We have a current need for retired NASA astronauts and space engineers to speak with the 7th grade after their Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center field trip on Friday, April 11. If you have a connection you might be willing to facilitate, please contact Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement Meredith VanDuyne to learn more (no obligations). Note that these presenting opportunities are not compensated.

    As additional topics are requested we’ll share them here. Thank you for helping students and teachers make these real-world connections!


    Parents’ Association Pickleball Social — Join the Waitlist!

    Registration is full for the Pickleball Social on Wednesday, March 12. Email Olivia Landrum if you’d like to join the waitlist, and she will contact you if space becomes available!

    Middle School Parent Conferences — Friday, March 14

    You will have the opportunity to meet virtually or in person with each teacher for a 10-minute conference about your child’s progress. 

    Uniform and Spirit Wear Exchange and Drop-Off

    Mark your calendars for the Spring Uniform Exchange on Friday, March 14, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in room 101 of Hazel Lower School. The Exchange is intentionally scheduled to coincide with Lower School Parent Conferences. There is no cost for this event and you do not have to donate to participate. Item availability is based on donations and will be first come, first served. For questions about the Exchange, please contact Melissa Riley in the Advancement Office. 

    Donation Drop-off: Parents may drop off gently used, clean uniforms and spirit wear on the Miller House front porch from now until Friday, March 7, between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Kindly launder items before donating. Middle and Upper School parents are welcome to donate and/or shop for spirit wear. 

    School Store Open — Friday, March 14

    The School Store will be open on Friday, March 14, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., at the Hazel Lower School in Room 112. You can also shop early online and pick up your items on Friday, March 14. For questions about the School Store, contact Store Manager Marina Matthes.

    Summer on the Hill: Spaces Available

    Day camp programming for JK - 7th graders include arts & crafts, STEM, and multi-sport as well as Washington Nationals Baseball & Softball Camp and D.C. United Soccer Camp. Learn more: Summer Camps at Flint Hill School | Headfirst Summer Camps

    Join us for Summer on the Hill! Athletic, Enrichment, Academic, and Travel programs are still available!

    View All Available Programs
    Register Here

    Featured Programs

    • Clay Camp June 16 - 27
    • Volleyball June 16 - 20
    • Lacrosse June 16 - 20
    • Outdoor 
    • Adventures June 26 - 20
    • Husky Adventures July 14 - 18 & July 21 - 25
    • The Writers Workshop July 21 - 25
    • And much more!

    Volunteers Needed! Sign Up for a Shift in the Igloo

    We need your help to open the Igloo each day! Bring a friend and sign up for as many shifts as you'd like — your support makes a difference and gives you a glimpse into Upper School life. Volunteer in the Igloo.

    Parent Walking Group: Spring Dates Added!

    Meetup with fellow parents for rejuvenating walks through different trails and neighborhoods near the School. The location will vary each week and Middle School Divisional Ambassador Molisa Meholic P’28 will share location details with the group before each walk. Register for each date you can attend and contact Molisa Meholic with any questions. 

    Spring dates: Thursday, March 13; Friday, April 4; Thursday, April 24; Friday, May 9; Tuesday, May 27 at 8:15 a.m.

    Upcoming Events

    Informational Session: Student Travel Opportunity to Costa Rica and Peru
    Thursday, March 6
    Upper School Learning Commons, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
    Register to Attend

    End of Third Quarter, Middle School
    Friday, March 7

    Middle School Family Meetup: Liberty Mountain
    Saturday, March 8
    Liberty Mountain

    Parents’ Association Pickleball Social
    Wednesday, March 12
    10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
    Location: Country Club of Fairfax, 5110 Ox Rd, Fairfax, VA

    Middle School Athletics Picture Day
    Wednesday, March 12
    Middle School Mitchell Commons, 2:15-3:15 p.m. 

    Parent Walking Group
    Thursday, March 13
    8:15-9:15 a.m.

    Third Quarter Report Cards Available
    Thursday, March 13, 4:00 p.m.

    Lower School / Middle School Parent Conferences - No Classes
    Friday, March 14

    School Store Open
    Friday, March 14
    Hazel Lower School, Room 112, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
    You can also shop early online and pick up your items on Friday, March 14. 

    Uniform and Spirit Wear Exchange
    Friday, March 14
    Hazel Lower School, Room 112, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

    Spring Break
    Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 28

    Classes Resume
    Monday, March 31

    Grade 8 Virtual Parent Coffee: Alcohol and Drug Awareness
    Tuesday, April 1
    Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/rgf-phve-sec

    Parent Meetup: Mini Golf at Oakmont
    Wednesday, April 2
    6:30-8:30 p.m.
    Oakmont Rec Center
    Register to Attend

    Parent Walking Group
    Friday, April 4
    8:15-9:15 a.m.

    Course Selection for Rising 7th Graders Begins
    Monday, April 7

    Course Selection for Rising 9th Graders Opens
    Wednesday, April 9