Middle School Newsletter – January 3, 2024

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    January 3, 2024

    Letter From The Division Director

    Happy New Year! I hope that all of you enjoyed a wonderful break with your families and are ready for a fantastic 2024! It was great to see everyone back in the building this week as we focus on reconnecting as a middle school community and regaining academic momentum in the classrooms. Please note that the second quarter and first semester officially end on Thursday, January 11. Students can expect regular assignments and assessments this week and next, but we will not be squeezing in extra grades and making it unnecessarily stressful. Fingers crossed that the weather remains mild, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

    Brian Lamont
    Director of the Middle School


    Summer on the Hill Registration — Coming Soon!

    Families can look forward to an announcement this month regarding our upcoming Summer on the Hill Programs for 2024. Program options will be available through Headfirst, D.C. United, Washington National, and our very own Flint Hill teachers and coaches. For questions, contact Matt McCoart.

    Community Festival Planning Meeting — Tuesday, January 9

    On Saturday, March 2, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m, we will host our annual Community Festival in the Upper School. If you attended this event last year, you’ll remember that the morning was dedicated to our Community of Care forum and the afternoon involved a cultural celebration sharing foods and traditions from the various countries represented throughout our Flint Hill community. This year, we’re calling the whole event Community Festival! If you and your family would like to represent a country, please fill out this form and join us for a brief planning meeting on Tuesday, January 9, 8:30-9:30 a.m., in the Upper School Multipurpose Room. If you have any questions, please contact All-School Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator Miles Henderson.

    Parent Meetup: Walking Group — January Dates Added

    Stay connected in the New Year and meet up with parents for a rejuvenating walk through the trails and neighborhoods behind Oakmont Rec Center. Locations may vary each week, so check the sign-up form for more information. If you have any questions, please contact FH parent Molisa Meholic. Dates: Wednesday, January 10, 8:00 a.m. and Tuesday, January 23, 8:00 a.m. 

    Kaleidoscope Parent Book Club — Monday, February 5

    Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 5, 8:30-9:30 a.m., in the Peterson Middle School. We will meet to discuss “All American Boys” by Jason Reynolds and Brendon Kiely. Our book club provides a safe and engaging space for parents to read, discuss, and reflect on thought-provoking narratives that have been deemed too controversial. We've curated a diverse selection of banned books from various genres and eras that have sparked debates and provoked change. RSVP to attend by completing this form. If you have any questions, please contact All-School Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator Miles Henderson.


    Driving Spirit Awards — Nominate by Thursday, January 4

    The Driving Spirit Award recognizes current Flint Hill employees who lead by example through their dedication to students, faculty, or the Flint Hill community at large, as evidenced by their ability to energize and inspire the Husky community. Their embodiment of the Driving Spirit makes our School the special and unique place we all value, a place that respects and values all equally, leads and supports with compassion, acts with integrity to imagine what’s possible and where all are inspired to blaze their own trail. Please think about the exceptional employees of Flint Hill who you believe fit this description. Complete the nomination form by Thursday, January 4.

    Financial Aid Deadline — Monday, January 8

    If your family is planning to apply for financial aid for next year:

    • Monday, January 8: Financial aid application deadline. All supporting documents are also due on this date. 
    • Wednesday, January 31: Financial aid decisions for current students will be included when 2024-2025 enrollment contracts are issued to current families.
    • Thursday, February 8: 2024-25 Enrollment contracts for current students are due. 
    • Friday, March 1: Financial aid decisions for new students will be included when admission decisions are released. 

    Please contact admission@flinthill.org or 703.584.2314 if you have any questions.

    Head of School Meeting: The FH Budget — Monday, January 8

    Current families are invited to join Head of School Patrick McHonett and Associate Head of School for Finance & Operations Anne Peterson for our annual budget coffee on Monday, January 8, at 8:30-9:30 a.m., in the Upper School Multipurpose Room to learn more about your investment in a one-of-a-kind Flint Hill experience for your student(s).

    Alumni Virtual College Panel — Tuesday, January 9 

    Join the Flint Hill College Counseling Office on Tuesday, January 9, 7:00-8:00 p.m., as it welcomes — virtually — recent alumni who will share their experiences and respond to questions about how Flint Hill prepared them for the expectations of college. Our panelists are first-year and second-year college students with a range of experiences and perspectives. You may access the Alumni College Virtual Panel program using this Google Meet link. No registration is required.

    Tell Your Friends: Get to Know Flint Hill

    Events are a great way for families to learn about Flint Hill — and it helps us get to know them, too! If you know someone who would make a great Husky, submit the Refer a Husky form and consider inviting them to these upcoming admission events:

    Virtual Fine Arts & Innovation Event: Grades 7-12Thursday, January 4, 6:00 p.m. Current families are welcome to attend.

    Lower School Info Session Thursday, January 11, 9:00 a.m.

    Middle School Virtual Info Session Thursday, January 11, 6:30 p.m. 

    Inclement Weather Classwork Policy 

    Delayed openings and closures will be announced to members of the Flint Hill community by 5:45 a.m. on the day of a severe weather event in the following ways:

    • Text/email alerts through our emergency notification system.
    • A banner on our website.
    • Story posts on Instagram and Facebook.

    If a change to the school day is required, we will contact you as stated above. If you do not hear from us, know that the school day is scheduled as normal.

    We also want to make you aware of our classwork policy on inclement weather days. Teachers may choose to assign work by sending an email to students alerting them of assignments by 10:00 a.m. Work should be made available on the teacher course page or through another electronic form. Individual or additional considerations will be made in the event of: 

    • excessive consecutive inclement weather days,
    • a high number of individual inclement weather days, or 
    • extended time periods without power.

    Hudl Fan

    All games held on the Flint Hill Upper School or Lower School campuses will be streamed via Hudl TV. You can also access the livestream by typing fan.hudl.com into your browser or downloading the Hudl Fan app (Hudl Fan: Apple or Hudl Fan: Google Play). After downloading the app or navigating to fan.hudl.com, search for “Flint Hill School.” You will now have access to all games that are being streamed. Please check Husky Hub and/or the school website for the Middle School and Upper School athletic schedules.

    Volunteer in the Igloo

    We need volunteers for the Igloo — no experience needed. It is a great opportunity to connect with other parents while strengthening our community. Upper School students can volunteer and earn service hours for basketball games, too. Sign up for as many shifts as you'd like and invite a friend to join you. With more volunteers, we can open for more games and activities. Sign Up to Volunteer in the Igloo

    2024-25 School Year Calendar Highlights Now Available

    We have shared our 2024-25 Calendar Highlights on the Parent Resource Board, including the first and last days of school, breaks, holidays, Conference Days, and Professional Development Days. We will communicate any changes made to this calendar in the newsletter.

    Upcoming Events

    Driving Spirit Awards Nomination Deadline
    Thursday, January 4

    Admission Event: Virtual Fine Arts & Innovation Event: Grades 7-12
    Thursday, January 4, 6:00 p.m.
    Current families are welcome to attend.
    Sign up to attend

    Financial Aid Application Deadline
    Monday, January 8

    Grades JK-12 Head of School Meeting: The FH Budget
    Monday, January 8
    Upper School Multipurpose Room, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

    Community Festival Planning Meeting
    Tuesday, January 9
    Upper School Multipurpose Room, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

    Flint Hill Alumni Virtual College Panel
    Tuesday, January 9
    Virtual, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
    Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/gao-upbo-rnq

    Parent Meetup: Walking Group
    Wednesday, January 10
    Oakmont Rec Center, 8:00 a.m.
    Sign up to attend

    End of the Second Quarter and First Semester
    Thursday, January 11

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    Grades JK-12 No Classes, Administrative Offices Closed
    Monday, January 15

    Flint Hill Certamen Tournament
    Saturday, January 20
    Upper School Commons, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

    Parent Meetup: Walking Group
    Tuesday, January 23
    Oakmont Rec Center, 8:00 a.m.
    Sign up to attend

    Flint Hill Day
    Tuesday, January 30
    Upper School Gym, 1:15-2:15 p.m.

    Middle School Division Coffee
    Wednesday, January 31
    Peterson Middle School Commons, 8:15-9:15 a.m.

    Enrollment Contracts Issued — Current Students
    Wednesday, January 31

    Financial Aid Notification — Current Students
    Wednesday, January 31

    Kaleidoscope Parent Book Club
    Monday, February 5
    Peterson Middle School Conference Room, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
    RSVP to attend