Lower School Newsletter – September 20, 2023

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    September 20, 2023

    Letter From the Division Director 

    Dear Lower School Families,

    I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the recent All-School Gathering. It was truly a lovely event that brought us all together to celebrate the educational journey of our children at Flint Hill this year. It was a joyous occasion, and I was particularly proud of MaKayla ’30 for delivering such an inspirational speech on behalf of our Lower School!

    I also want to express my gratitude for the great turnout at the JK-3 Back-to-School Night last week. Your partnership and support are invaluable in your child's education, and we appreciate your presence at this informative event. We hope to see many more of you at the Grades 4-6 Back-to-School Night tomorrow, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

    Looking ahead, we are excited for the Lower School Spirit Days, starting on Wednesday, September 27, leading up to Homecoming Weekend on Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30. Please take note of the information below regarding what your child should wear for each of the Spirit Days, and we encourage you to join us for Homecoming Weekend. It promises to be a weekend filled with fun and excitement!

    As always, please remember that we are here for you, and you can reach out to us anytime if you have any questions or concerns.


    Madeleine Lopez
    Director of the Lower School


    Homecoming Spirit Days Next Week

    To celebrate the week of Homecoming, students are encouraged to dress according to the themes listed on the days below or be in regular school dress if they choose not to participate. 

    • Wednesday, September 27 — Pajama Day
    • Thursday, September 28 — Jersey Day
    • Friday, September 29 — Grades JK - 3: Husky Pride and Grades 4 - 12: Color Day (4th Grade: Gray; 5th Grade: Yellow/Orange; 6th Grade: Red)

    Homecoming Weekend — Friday, September 29 - Saturday, September 30

    Join the Flint Hill community for a weekend filled with athletic events, food, and fun for the entire family! The weekend kicks off on Friday, September 29 with athletic games and our traditional bonfire and continues on Saturday, September 30 at 10:00 a.m. with more athletic events, spirit giveaways, and activities for all ages. Visit flinthill.org/homecoming for the full schedule of events. Please note that Lower and Middle School parents should attend events with children rather than drop them off unattended. 

    Homecoming Volunteers Needed: Click here to sign up to volunteer and invite a friend to join you — a great way to make a difference and meet more Huskies! 

    Homecoming Parking Pro Tip: Plan extra time to park. Parking will fill quickly in the Middle and Upper School parking lots on Friday. Overflow parking will be directed to the Lower School campus, located at 10409 Academic Drive. Flint Hill School blue bus shuttles will run continuously Friday night and Saturday between the Lower School Campus and the Upper School carpool circle. Save time searching for a spot and park in the Lower School parking lot on Friday! 

    Important Note about Lower School Early Dismissal

    If students need to be picked up early from school, parents must use the SchoolPass system to notify the school as soon as possible. Children should be picked up by 2:30 p.m. to avoid disruption during the start of carpool. Parents should go to the front entrance of the Hazel Lower School to pick up their students. Visitor parking is available adjacent to the Hazel Lower School.

    Coming Soon: Registration for Fall After-School Clubs 

    Our Fall After-School Clubs will be announced by email next week. Clubs are an opportunity for students to engage in enrichment activities, learn a new hobby or skill, or engage in an existing passion over the course of six sessions. Past clubs have included Ukulele, Sports Mix, Theatre, Mock Trial, Debate, and more! 

    Registration will be open Monday, October 2 through Friday, October 6. Individual clubs may reach capacity prior to registration closing on October 6.

    Start Date: Clubs will begin the week of October 16.
    Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.
    Pickup: Students may either participate in the 4:00 p.m. club carpool or attend AfterCare until as late as 5:30 p.m.
    Snack: Snack is included in registration for clubs. Students will receive their snack when they arrive at their club.

    For questions, reach out to Matt McCoart, Director of After School and Summer Programs.

    Grades JK-3 Classroom Visits and Reading/Math Instruction and Assessment Coffee — Friday, October 6

    Parents of students in grades JK-3 are welcomed into homeroom classrooms on Friday, October 6 at 8:15 a.m. where students will share what they are currently learning. Parents are then invited to join us in the Olson Theater from 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. for a presentation and Q&A about our reading and math programs in Junior Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Specifically, we will discuss strategies and tools we use to teach and assess reading and math as well as how these strategies help support and further our students’ learning.

    Grades 4-6 Classroom Visits and Reading/Math Assessments Coffee — Friday, October 13

    Parents of students in grades 4-6 are welcomed into homeroom classrooms on Friday, October 13 at 8:15 a.m. where students will share what they are currently learning. Parents are then invited to join us in the Olson Theater from 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. to learn more about how we use benchmark assessments at Flint Hill for reading in grades 1-6 and math in grades 2-6. Through this presentation and Q&A, we will describe the tools we use, how they help us understand our students as learners, and how we can use the information that they provide to further our students’ learning.

    Lower School Day of Play — Friday, October 20

    The Day of Play is an annual Flint Hill tradition that invites students to work together to plan, build, and play using recyclable materials and basic supplies like tape, glue, and their imagination! Each year, we explore a new theme to focus our building and creating. This year's Day of Play will take place on Friday, October 20.

    Each class will create its own projects in alignment with the surprise theme that they will share with their fellow Huskies. The theme for the Day will be announced to students at the inaugural Lower School Morning Meeting on October 3.

    Students will work with their Innovation teachers and homeroom/advisory teachers to plan and prepare for the day. We would love recyclable materials from home to help bring each class’ vision to life. Teachers will share a wish list of recyclable/household materials. We are seeking only materials you already have at home. Please do not purchase any new materials for this day! Whatever you send in will not be returned. Please do not send anything to school before Monday, October 16.

    We welcome parent volunteers — please complete this Day of Play Parent Volunteers form if you are interested.

    Early Admission Process for Siblings

    As members of our Husky family, we are offering an early start to the admission process for siblings who do not currently attend Flint Hill and are interested in applying for the 2024-25 school year. 

    If you have a child who is not currently enrolled at Flint Hill and you are interested in the application process for the 2024-25 school year, please complete this interest form by Sunday, October 1. Alternatively, you can simply complete the admission application form. You must complete the application package by the end of November to receive an admission notification in mid-December. An email with more details will hit your inbox tomorrow.

    New Parent Meetup: Register for Tennis Lessons and Open Play

    Did you miss the Parents’ Association Tennis Social or want to keep playing with other parents? Join Varsity Girls' Tennis Coach Steve Spratt for casual matches and tennis drills on the Middle and Upper School Tennis Courts. Continue practicing your skills or play some mixed doubles with fellow parents. Plan to bring your own tennis balls and racket. Registration is limited to 30 parents for each date.

    Meetup Dates: Wednesday, September 27; Wednesday, October 4; and Monday, October 25, 9:00-10:30 a.m. Please register for each date you can attend.  


    Grades 4-6 Back-to-School Night — Thursday, September 21

    We’re looking forward to welcoming parents of children in grades 4-6 on Thursday, September 21, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Your child’s teacher will share the ABCs of their grade level, communication expectations, home learning, Seesaw, and much more! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna Holaday.

    Lower School Dance Clinic — Thursday, September 28

    Homecoming is right around the corner, and we can’t wait to spread some Husky spirit all weekend long! All K-6 students are invited to register for a free Lower School Dance Team Clinic hosted by the Upper School Dance Team on Thursday, September 28, 3:30-5:45 p.m., in the Lower School Gym. Those students will have the opportunity to perform at Homecoming! Students will participate in fun group activities, practice skills, and also get to work with the Upper School Dance Team. They will learn a short routine that will be performed with the Upper School Dance Team at the Varsity Football game during Homecoming! If you have any questions, please contact Head Dance Team Coach Olivia Landrum.

    Reminder: Invite Your Friends and Neighbors to Flint Hill Events

    The Admission Team always appreciates when you refer a family to Flint Hill — they’re often the best fit for our school! We'd love to fill our few spaces with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Please bring them to Homecoming on the weekend of September 29 so they can see our community in action, and consider inviting them to the below virtual admission event:

    Volunteer in the Igloo and Den

    One of the most frequent and fun volunteer opportunities is selling concessions in the Igloo or Den. It’s a great way to meet other parents while getting a glimpse of life in the Upper School or the best view of a game on the Peterson Family Field. 

    We are now accepting credit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay in both locations! Volunteers: watch this quick tutorial on the new system. Instructions are also posted in the Igloo and Den.

    Sign Up for Shifts:

    All-School Gathering Photos on Flickr

    Throughout the year, you’ll find photos from community events and classroom activities posted on our Flickr account. You can access Flickr via the floating camera icon on our newsletter sidebar. The link can also be found in the footer of our website and within the email signature of every Flint Hill faculty and staff member.

    Upcoming Events

    Grades 4-6 Back-to-School Night
    Thursday, September 21
    7:00-9:00 p.m.

    FH Volleyball Invitational
    Saturday, September 23

    New Parent Meetup: Tennis Lessons and Open Play
    Wednesday, September 27
    Middle and Upper School Tennis Courts, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Please register to attend. 

    Lower School Dance Clinic
    Thursday, September 28
    Lower School Gym, 3:30-5:45 p.m.

    Spirit Days
    Wednesday, September 27 (Pajama Day)
    Thursday, September 28 (Jersey Day)
    Friday, September 29 (JK-3: Husky Pride, Grades 4-6: Color Day)

    Friday, September 29, and Saturday, September 30
    Middle and Upper School Campus
    Details and schedule of events

    New Parent Meetup: Tennis Lessons and Open Play
    Wednesday, October 4
    Middle and Upper School Tennis Courts, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Please register to attend. 

    Virtual Admission Event: Webinar: Blaze the Trail at Flint Hill
    Wednesday, October 4, 12:00-12:45 p.m.
    While this event is designed for prospective families, current families are welcome to join. 

    Grades JK-3 Classroom Visits And Parent Coffee
    Friday, October 6
    Classrooms and Olson Theater, 8:15-8:45 a.m. 

    Grades JK-3 Reading/Math Instruction and Assessment Coffee
    Friday, October 6
    Olson Theater, 8:45-9:30 a.m. 

    Parent Morning Mixer
    Thursday, October 12
    de Camp Garden, Upper School, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

    Grades 4-6 Classroom Visits And Parent Coffee
    Friday, October 13
    Classrooms and Olson Theater, 8:15-8:45 a.m. 

    Grades 4-6 Reading/Math Assessments Coffee
    Friday, October 13
    Olson Theater, 8:45-9:30 a.m. 

    Lower School Day of Play
    Friday, October 20
    Lower School Classrooms and Athletic Fields, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.

    New Parent Meetup: Tennis Lessons and Open Play
    Wednesday , October 25
    Middle and Upper School Tennis Courts, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
    Please register to attend.