Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees’ primary responsibility is to guard the School’s mission.
The Board adopts the School’s mission, vision, and strategic goals and then establishes policies that reinforce them. In addition, the Board accepts accountability for the School’s financial stability and is responsible for hiring and evaluating the head of school.

"Strong governance – in the governing board that guides and supports school leadership - is the hallmark of Flint Hill. The 20-plus members of the Board of Trustees are parents, alumni, and public members – who dedicate time and resources in support of the mission of Flint Hill – educating and preparing our students to live meaningful lives and to be citizens of the world."
- Pia Trigiani, Board Chair
All committees appointed by the Board of Trustees follow the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Principles of Good Practice.

Rejera Arnold
Development Committee
2024-25 Parents’ Association President
Parent ‘33
Program Analyst, Federal Government

Omar Balkissoon
Audit Committee,
Investment Committee
Parent ’28, ’29, ’30
Geospark Analytics, Founder and CEO

Alex Bettius ’03
Finance Committee
Investment Committee
Mill Creek Residential, VP, Finance

Taylor Chess
Committee on Trustees, Chair
Executive Committee
Development Committee
Parent ’13, ’14, ’18, ’21
Peterson Companies, President, Development

Nate Davis
Development Committee
Finance Committee
Parent ’03, H’05, ’08
Grandparent ’30
Stride, Former CEO and Chairman

Eric Hemmer
Development Committee, Chair
Executive Committee
Finance Committee
Parent ’23
Praxis Solutions, President

Miki Toliver King
Institutional Equity & Inclusion Committee, Chair
Finance Committee
Parent ’24, ’27
The Washington Post, President

Patrick McHonett
Parent ’35, ’31
Flint Hill School, Head of School

Richard Moxley
Audit Committee Chair,
Executive Committee,
Committee on Trustees
Parent ’16, ’18, ’21
Razor’s Edge Ventures, Managing Partner

Joe Musella
Audit Committee
Committee on Trustees
Institutional Equity & Inclusion Committee
Parent ’25, ’27
Vistage, CEO Board Chair

Kelly Nakamato
Finance Committee
Development Committee
Parent ’25
PwC, Partner

Terry Nelson
Audit Committee
Investment Committee
Parent ’12, ’19, ’21
Plus Communications, Founding & Managing Partner

Tanaia Parker
Committee on Trustees
Finance Committee
Parent ’23, ’30
T. White Parker, President and CEO

Liza Wright Renner
Executive Committee, Vice Chair
Committee on Trustees
Parent ’20, ’21
Lochlin Partners, Managing Director

Mahesh Shenai
Finance Committee
Institutional Equity & Inclusion Committee
Parent ‘30, ‘37
Inova Health System

Hugh Taylor
Investment Committee, Chair
Institutional Equity & Inclusion Committee
Parent ’16, ’18

Pia Trigiani
Executive Committee, Board Chair
Mercer Trigiani, Attorney at Law, Principal

John Wasson
Finance Committee, Chair
Executive Committee
Parent ’20, ’22
ICF, Chairman & CEO

Howard-John Wesley
Audit Committee
Institutional Equity & Inclusion Committee
Parent ’25
Alfred Street Baptist Church, Pastor

Dave White
Development Committee
Finance Committee
Parent ‘27
Independent Consultant

Dave Wiley
Development Committee
Institutional Equity & Inclusion Committee
Investment Committee
Parent ’14, ’16, ’19
Widelity, Chairman
Sister Martha Carpenter, OSF
Edward R. Carr
Otis D. Coston Jr.
John M. Dowd
The Honorable Johanna L. Fitzpatrick
Richard J. Hendrix
Paul C. Kincheloe Jr.
Michael C. McCarey
William N. Melton
Norris E. Mitchell
John M. Thomas
Reverend Edwin M. Ward (deceased)
The Audit Committee recommends the independent auditor for Board approval and works with the auditor to establish the scope of the audit. This committee has oversight over the School’s major business and operational risks to assure the Board that the risks are identified and managed appropriately.
The Committee on Trustees coordinates the identification, cultivation, recruitment and orientation of new trustees; re-nominates sitting trustees; nominates officers; and facilitates the annual Board and head of school assessment.
The Development Committee coordinates the School’s fundraising activities and advises the Board on the financial goals of the annual campaign and on any capital or endowment campaign.
The Executive Committee consists of the chair, vice chair, and the chairs of the Finance Committee, Committee on Trustees and Development Committee, as well as the secretary of the Corporation and up to one additional member of the Board of Trustees. This committee coordinates the work of the Board with the Board Chair; serves as a sounding board for the head of school; acts in place of the Board between Board meetings in the manner prescribed by the bylaws and as expressly delegated by the Board, and reports any actions to the Board in a timely fashion.
The Finance Committee develops the long-range financial plan and yearly operational budget, including setting tuition levels for Board approval and monitors the implementation of the budget.
The Investment Committee develops recommendations for how the School will invest its endowment and what amount of return on investment the School will use in its yearly operating budget. The committee also monitors the investment portfolio’s return.
The Institutional Equity and Inclusion Committee ensures continued institutional progress in developing and executing strategic equity and inclusion initiatives.