The Upper School opened in 2001. Designed by the same architect who designed the Peterson Middle School, it was built to be an open, light-filled space that could flex to accommodate changes in learning and teaching needs. Whether it’s repurposing computer labs into a cutting-edge robotics room or a library into a Learning Commons, the spaces have changed as educational needs have evolved. 

Now it’s time to finish revamping the classrooms and public spaces with flexible, movable, and more comfortable furniture. This will support students and teachers in easily configuring classroom set-ups for small projects or large group presentations, provide comfortable and cushioned seating in the Commons along with options that work for single students studying or large groups relaxing in between classes. The upstairs balcony furniture will also be updated evoking the vibe of the new Help Desk that opened this fall.

“Good discussion doesn’t happen unless students involved in the conversation are comfortable. We have to construct a space that simultaneously puts them at ease and sharpens their focus, encourages conversation, and allows for some healthy risk-taking with their peers. What’s inside ‘the room where it happens’ matters!"

-Upper School English Teacher

Flint Hill has launched this Impactful Initiative to support the Upper School student experience.

Community members are invited to give at any level, and gifts may be paid on a schedule determined by the donor through December 31, 2026.

Funds contributed will be used to:

  • Purchase new furniture for the Commons. With your help, we’ll move the tables and chairs out and replace them with a more flexible and comfortable setup. Not to worry - the copper platforms are staying!
  • Update the robotics classroom
  • Replace upstairs balcony furniture
  • Upgrade furniture in the Learning Center, Learning Commons, and Counseling spaces
  • Update the Head of School office and other administrative spaces

Coming Soon

Thank you to the community members who are supporting this Impactful Initiative!




All amounts

Donors making gifts of any size will be included in the alphabetical list of supporters that will be displayed in the Upper School in appreciation for their contribution to this important project.

$25,000 +
(20 available)

Donors making leadership gifts have the option of being acknowledged on a special plaque of leadership donors.

(3 available)

Donors making gifts at this level have the option to be recognized with a plaque outside the Learning Centers or Head of School’s office.

(2 available)

Donors making gifts at this level have the option to be recognized with a plaque outside the Commons or Learning Commons.


Gifts or pledges can be made at any time. Pledges can be paid through December 31, 2026, giving donors the flexibility to make payments on a timeline that works best for you. We’ll send reminders ahead of each payment.

Please contact Katie Evans, Director of Leadership Giving, 703.584.2356, kevans@flinthill.org, or Meredith VanDuyne, Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement, 703.584.2351, mvanduyne@flinthill.org.